Chances are, you’ve never heard the term “adrenal fatigue.” And if you have, you might not have believed that it’s real.
Adrenal fatigue is a collection of nonspecific symptoms, not one or two recognizable ones in particular like other conditions. This can make it hard to diagnose, hard to recognize, and even hard to believe.
But adrenal fatigue is definitely not a myth. Here are the top five things you need to know about it, including its causes, treatments, and what you can do about it.
1. Symptoms
Your body has adrenal glands. They’re located above your kidneys. They produce important hormones like adrenaline, aldosterone, and cortisol.
Adrenaline is your body’s response to sudden, new, or acute stress: it triggers your “fight or flight” instinct. Aldosterone helps regulate your blood pressure.
Cortisol also called the “stress hormone,” helps maintain your blood sugar levels and control your metabolism. It’s actually essential for life!
Hopefully, now you see why proper functioning adrenal glands are so important to your health! Without the production and regulation of these hormones, your body would be all over the place.
Unfortunately, that condition definitely exists: some people suffer from adrenal insufficiency, where their bodies don’t produce the right amounts of adrenal hormones. One common form of adrenal insufficiency is Addison’s Disease, which is rare but still affects 40-60 million Americans.
Adrenal fatigue is a form of adrenal insufficiency. They’re similar in symptoms and causes, but different in that adrenal insufficiency can be diagnosed with a blood test while adrenal fatigue cannot.
Here are the most commonly reported symptoms:
- Inexplicable fatigue (fatigue that sleep does not help)
- Trouble falling asleep, trouble waking up
- Craving salty and sugary foods
- Weight loss (not on purposes)
- Digestive issues
It’s a strange, very general set of symptoms, isn’t it? They’re not as specific or easy to pin down as those of adrenal insufficiency, although they’re similar.
2. Controversy
If you Google “adrenal fatigue,” one of the recurring themes you’ll see is the question: “Is it real?” There’s disagreement in the medical community about whether or not adrenal fatigue is a real medical condition.
That’s because the condition can’t be diagnosed using a blood test like adrenal insufficiency can. And there aren’t enough studies, evidence, or helpful cases to make it an official, diagnosable health disorder.
So if you suffer from these symptoms and go to a traditional physician, they might diagnose you with some form of adrenal insufficiency. If you go to a more holistic or non-mainstream (“complementary medicine”) doctor, you’re more likely to be treated for adrenal fatigue.
3. Who to See
What kind of medical professional to see depends on what you want out of the experience. Any mainstream, licensed medical doctor most likely does not recognize adrenal fatigue as a real condition. They wouldn’t dismiss your symptoms as unreal, but they wouldn’t group the symptoms together and call it adrenal fatigue.
If you want answers and consideration outside generally-accepted medical protocols, consider seeing a complementary medicine doctor. These professionals use methods outside the mainstream scope of medical care, but can be useful for alternative treatments.
Some are more “mainstream” than others. For example, chiropractic care is considered complementary medicine. Acupuncture, too!
Don’t hesitate to do your own research! Many people treat their adrenal fatigue symptoms themselves using supplements and diet. Check out these supplements sold specifically to address adrenal fatigue!
4. The Theory
The theory behind adrenal fatigue revolves around stress. The hormones produced by the adrenal glands are all about stress. Stress can be good and bad.
But even bad stress won’t kill you. For example, with a big test, wedding day, or upcoming deadline, stress can be intense, but it’s relatively short-lived.
Prolonged stress, on the other hand, can take a toll on your body. The theory is that constant, extensive stress (like a serious illness in you or a loved one) wears on your adrenal glands and causes adrenal fatigue.
Reported symptoms are too out of the ordinary (craving salty foods) to line up perfectly with other adrenal insufficiency diagnoses. And although they are “nonspecific,” they’re not random either: they do relate back to the adrenal glands’ functionality.
For an easy, effective way to address your adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue, check out this dietary supplement. It can give you energy and combat fatigue!
5. Common Treatments & What You Can Do
The best things you can do to treat adrenal fatigue are things that help your adrenal glands be as healthy as possible. Because of the general fatigue it causes, you might be tempted to rely on caffeine as a stimulant.
You want your body to be able to work on its own and caffeine can interfere with that. You also might find yourself craving salty and sugary foods but don’t give in! Junk food is hard on your adrenal glands, as is a high-sugar diet.
Some sufferers find nutritional supplementation extremely helpful. Your adrenal glands might need extra help with Vitamin B5, Vitamin C, Magnesium and adaptogenic herbs like Astragalus, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha or Ginseng. It’s best to trust supplements that were created specifically with adrenal fatigue in mind, like this Adrenal C Formula: Sustained Released Vitamin C for Stress Support or Adrenal Stress End: Adrenal Support Multi-Formula to Combat Stress Related Fatigue.
Adrenal Fatigue is Real! Do You Have It?
Although many traditional doctors won’t diagnose it, we’re here ready to believe that adrenal fatigue is real! If you have the reported symptoms and haven’t gotten straight answers from medical professionals, you’re in the right place. You now know what you can do to help yourself.
Contact us with your questions, orders, inquiries, or for more information. Your road to relief can start now!